sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017

External xenon flash for smartphones

In this project I pulled together a great part of my electronics knowledge and I learnt furthermore.

The aim of this project is to achieve better quality photos that doesn't appear moved in low light environment.

To do this I have synchronized the trigger of a xenon flash with the picture taking. This reduces the exposure and allows that the picture is taken faster.

The complexity of this project is basically:

  1. Synchronize the trigger of the xenon flash and the picture taking.
  2. Elevator circuit from 5V to 300V required for the xenon flash.
Here is the result:

And here is the schematic:

As you can see, it is composed of:
  •  A phodiode to detect the led activation.
  • An elevator circuit to achieve the voltage requirement.
  • And a microcontroller to control the charge and the trigger.

Finally, here is the presentation about the project. If you have some question don't hesitate to ask here or in the forum.